Maintaining a state of well-being is our responsibility and completely within our hands.
Our inner thoughts and beliefs—irrespective of whether they are conscious or unconscious—manifest outwards as our physical health.
Our physical and mental health can also be impacted by the fact that positive thoughts promote healthy living and negative thoughts catalyze ailment and illness…
…and the choice of letting our bodies age prematurely or contract illness can be completely overridden by virtue of our inner thoughts and beliefs.
Our very own healing abilities can be exceptionally developed by just opening up our minds to the possibility of “mind over matter”.
Now wouldn’t it be interesting to decode the Law of Attraction and discover the ways of healthy living?
How can improved health be manifested?
The mind’s capabilities are numerous and marvelous. The mind has the potential to convince the body into a state of total health without the need for external intervention. However, adherence to medicines of conventional forms should still be continued.
The healing process requires modern medicines and conventional medical interventions. Health that lasts for long is a result of a combination of modern medicine and the mind’s capabilities.
It is continually within the play that the powers of attraction stay, irrespective of us being aware of it or not. The condition of our physical body is often a reflection of our mental psyche.
Symptoms and ailments are our mind’s way of warning us. We should gratefully receive it and change our choices or actions accordingly.
What choices do you need to change?
- Stress elimination
Our mind experiences some form of stress, and the consequence of that is one of the most common causes of any emotional or physical illness.
Any physical sign of illness is the eventual spillover of unchecked negativity that has built up within the mental system.
The body is given the room and time to eliminate itself from all illnesses only if the mind refuses to dwell on the discomfort or worry of bad health.
This is further enhanced by eliminating all forms of physiological stress—where the mind sees itself in absolutely perfect health.
Self-image improvement
The issue of weight and our attitude towards weight loss or gain can be addressed only by exercising control over our self-image, which begins with feeling responsible for our bodies.
With what we eat and how we look becoming progressively complex and having turned into a social fixation, the long battle that we wage with our body is that of the predicament of weight gain or loss.
Mindful eating
Shame and frustration can lead to ’emotional eating’. However, there are ways of overcoming it, and developing a pattern of mindful eating. You can do so by first understanding what triggers you.
An “emotional eater” has his/her old, self-destructive pattern which needs to be replaced by the trick of “mindful eating”.
Your vision of the ‘perfect you’ can be transformed to a perfect reality by harnessing the power of attraction, but only after learning more about its ways can you actually seek to lose weight.
Body and Mind in Good Health
Decoding the Law of Attraction helps us realize the potential of the mind and utilizes it to protect our bodies by controlling the amount of stress that it experiences.
Furthermore, the shaping forces of exercise promote positive thinking and has a desirable influence on both health and wellness.
Society bombards our minds, continually, with messages—of how our health is in danger, the various illnesses that we need to know about, and what diet is needed and why—and, more often than not, negatively reinforces it.
The negative reinforcement that ageing would have an inevitable toll on the body is what these messages insistently convey. Such ideas must be immediately rejected!
What happens to your body is something that is controlled by you, and you only. The results of your practice of the Law of Attraction are to be recorded only by maintaining a strong, positive mind.
Are the efforts to lose weight a struggle for you? Do you find the motivation for healthy eating and regular physical exercise hard to achieve or sustain?
You would enjoy superlative health benefits, and feel highly motivated on your journey to healthy weight loss, only by discovering the ways of self-hypnotherapy.